Innovative Integrated Development Testing Solutions

Automated Software Development Testing

Software Testing Phases

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Functional and Unit Testing

Our design and development processes are TDD - Test Driven Development to ensure application accuracy and error handling conditions. We design the application parallel with authoring test case scenarios for positive, negative, out-of-bounds, and anomaly results. As a result, we provide an extensive code-coverage report with graphs to demonstrate the effectiveness of the test suites.

Continuous Delivery

Directional Consulting follows Semantic Versioning standards, with tagged builds and release milestones using various cloud tools, including GitHub, OpenProject, Docker, and Travis CI. We create Docker containers to simulate all requirements of the application and build process, which is then validated automatically by Travis CI build pipelines. These standards enable us to roll out new releases confidently and roll back if needed.

Agile Software Development Life Cycles

Agile software development methodologies are our specialty, from working in Scrum environments like OpenProject and Jira to managing GitHub Issues, Feature Branches, and swim lanes for project management. We have learned from various projects that the P-R-D (Planning, Research, and Design) phases take approximately 1/3rd of the total project time. The later stages of the SDLC include D-I-M (Development, Integration, and Maintenance), measured in incremental builds and milestones as ready/ready and done/done, promoting solid forward momentum in all software releases.

UAT - User Acceptance Testing

Our process of UAT is straightforward by engaging our stakeholders directly from the concept and planning phases until both manual matrix completions of feature sets and automated unit plus functional test suites complete the final acceptance testing. We aim to be there step-by-step to facilitate the project requirements and verify their functionality as described and built to specifications from the design phases.

Software Development Life Cycyle

Learn more about Agile Software Development